Life in Paradise
I am finally back again. I haven't disappeared, I just got carried away with moving and work. I have officially moved in with my Utah roommate, and so far, everything seems fine. She is only 19 years old.
We talked, and we laughed, however nothing too drastic has happened yet, and I do not think anything drastic will happen. Perhaps it is because I am keeping my distance. We will see how it all goes.
There are somethings in my life that has changed. I crop my hair AGAIN!!! This time it is really short. I have sample picture to show you, however real pictures of me will be uploaded soon. I haven't been able to use my computer since I moved in, reason being I haven't been able to connect my computer to the internet, so I might not be using the MSN after all. I confess, I do still use MSN from time to time, however it is not for the purpose of chatting anymore.
My new hairdo looks somewhat like this, except it is not blond, that it is black and tuck back behind my ears.

I also went shopping for the first time in 3 months, and bought a lot of things, gulity as charged. However there were sales all over the place and I just cannot resist it. I bought a spilt shirt, heels, Steve Madden thongs, and a summer sundress from Gap.
This is the dress that i bought from Gap, but my dress is white not brown.

My time is running out so I got to run along now. So tune in more updates from your fav. shopping junkie here in Hawaii.
P.S: I got a complimentary letter from my guest today. I am on top of the world. More details will come in the monthly mails. As they say, save the best for last.
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